
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Habit and Happy, etc...

May I make a confession?  I Struggle with this whole blogging thing.  I have never felt terribly eloquent in my wiring.  I fret over what to include in my posts.  I write then delete, write, delete, write delete.  Today, for example I am struggling with whether to talk about how hot it has been here for the last two weeks, and that our AC went out, but hat I have fared well, and am glad that the temps outside have cooled.  Do I talk about staying in the bus because it has air?  Do I share that my kids are in camp this week and I am getting a lot of alone time?  What can I share here that will capture the imagination of potential readers and dew them in so that they recommend me to their friends, and my readership grows, and I am loved by millions?  
So, I default to showing my art....
I have some new stuff!  Aren't they nice?

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