Tom has recently been in Moldova and was exposed to investigate the high rate of sex trafficking there. The stories he shared throughout his trip were brutal. Children's Hopechest is working with agencies there to bring these priceless young ladies out of slavery and into the glorious life that God has planned for them.
HopeChest Opens Moldova from Tom Davis on Vimeo.
Tom has written a novel called "Priceless," based on some of his experiences in Eastern Europe. I have to admit it is on my shelf and I have not yet read it, but if it is as wonderful as his previous novel "Scared; A Novel on the Edge of the World." I am sure it is gripping and life changing.Another Ethiopian adoptive family is giving away ten copies of the book, plus some wonderful yummy fair trade coffee from Saint's Coffee. So drop over and visit My Crazy Adoption and follow the directions for a chance to win.
After you do that, pop back over here and leave me a comment telling me what you did to enter their drawing, and I will enter you into a drawing of my own for one of my hand painted and stitched heart pendants and a 5"x5" print of one of my mixed media painting entitled "Two Birds." Join us in sharing the stories of these Priceless young women.

Hi Amy I entered the giveaway!/profile.php?id=527329780
Well, I hope I count:)) I popped over to take a peek at your blog and your giveaway is wonderful!!! I'd love to win any of your gifts!!!
Well, I hope I count:)) I popped over to take a peek at your blog and your giveaway is wonderful!!! I'd love to win any of your gifts!!!
Thank you so much for spreading the word about Priceless!!!
We'd love to continue to connect with people who care about this issue. You can join our facebook communities OR
We also have a separate website just for Priceless at with a free 5 day devotional to pray for the victims of trafficking!
Let me know if you'd like to get connected. I love hearing how the Lord is opening people's eyes to the injustice around us and at the same time lighting a fire in us for how to change it!!
My email is and my personal blog is
(I work with Tom at HopeChest!)
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