
Friday, May 14, 2010

Life and Art and Art and Life

This is my handsome husband. In August we will celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary. It is hard to beleive that it has been that long. It seems like the blink of an eye.
He is my supplement and I am his. He is an engineer and I am an artist, so we look at everything from completely different angles. This often spells disaster in marriage, but for us it has been a strength. Because of our faith both of us are able to appreciate that God made the other one just the way he/she is for a purpose. I know that where I am weak he is strong. I know that I was not created with a head for managing finances. Matt was, and so I let him lead there. I am grateful for his leadership in that area because we are on steady footing at a time when so many are not. He is also better at making decisions on most other important issues. I tend to have trouble settling on one choice. So, I often ask him to decide or wait for him to weigh in with an opinion. I am more of a feeling and perciving sort. I get gut instincts about situations and people. He has learned that I am usually spot on, so he trusts my instincts. My free-spiritedness balances his cautiousness. His cautiousness balances my tendency to get way in over my head . It works. It's good. Life would be difficult and a bit boring if we were the same.

One of his spiritual gifts is helps. He has a heart for coming alongside people and doing helpful things that support them and make things a bit easier. He loves to show up at a friends house with his toolbox and fix something electrical for them to save them a service call.
He is always will to help me with my artwork too. Last week he attached hangers to thirty canvases for my show!

Next week my engineer hubby and I are off to Art and Soul in Hampton to take metal jewelry classes together. The kids will be at Memaws and we have the weekend to be together immersed in creativity. I hope he will enjoy it as much as I will. Somehow I think he will .


Unknown said...

Amy...what a wonderful way to honor your hubby....I can testify to a marriage of 'opposites' hubby and I are opposite in most ways, but just like for you all, it is the perfectly God-ordained blend...enjoy your weekend alone...after the Lord, keep that marriage relationship a priority...

Almost Precious said...

What a beautiful post. It clearly shows that your two are very much in love with each other and that fate meant for the two of you to find each other and be together. Real love is the most precious gift of all. :)

Erin Butson said...

So sweet! Is there anything better than a helpful husband?!? Love it. Your love for the Lord really shines through in your work + your writing. It is so inspiring! Keep creating.

Artsnark said...

wonderful post & congrats on the 15

Liz-Anna said...

Sounds like a great partnership, Amy! Isn't it wonderful that opposites can be so harmonious! Look forward to seeing the results of your wonderful Art and Soul experience.